Why the Brady Bunch View Is a Game-Changer


By Phil Harwood

The shelter-in-place orders have resulted in a massive increase in Zoom meetings. If you have participated in a Zoom meeting, you probably know about the viewing option where each participant’s video feed is placed in a square box stacked on top of other boxes - just like the Brady Bunch. What’s interesting is that something really awesome happens when the Brady Bunch view is used. In fact, it’s a game-changer!

In traditional meetings, the leader of the team monopolizes the meeting. The leader sets the agenda, drives the discussion, and makes all of the decisions. The meeting ends in frustration for everyone except the leader. These meetings are a huge waste of everyone’s time. They breed resentment and foster complacency. This is why people dislike meetings.

On a Zoom call, this type of meeting is characterized by the leader’s face being shown the entire time while all other participants are reduced to tiny cells in the background. After all, nobody except the leader matters. Furthermore, the leader has placed everyone on mute to control the meeting to his or her advantage. 

However, the Brady Bunch view encourages a very different dynamic where everyone in the meeting has equal status. Everyone is expected to contribute. Discussions are inclusive and robust. Decisions are not made until every voice has been heard and often the leader is not the person making the final decision; the person responsible is allowed to make decisions for things that they will be responsible for. Doesn’t that make more sense than the team leader making every decision with limited input?  

Today’s leaders are expected to be more inclusive than ever before. They not only need to be willing to hear other voices, they need to encourage their people to speak up. Of course, there is some vulnerability required to do this. Asking for input opens the door to questions, criticism, and uncomfortable discussions. Many leaders are unable to overcome their insecurities or fears in order to be vulnerable enough to give up total control. This is not easy. But it is essential to building a cohesive team. 

If you would like to become the leader you’ve always wanted to be, let’s talk. We have a variety of programs designed to develop leadership skills. Simply reply to this email and I will personally schedule a confidential meeting with you. If we use Zoom, rest assured that we will utilize the Brady Bunch view. 

Also, if you didn’t hear the news, GrowTheBench.com subscribers now may have up to 10 users at no additional charge. For only $97 a month, your company is able to provide high-level professional development for 10 people - less than $10 a month per person! If you’d like to take a free test drive, select All-Access Pass and use the code “COVID” at checkout to receive 30 days free access to our entire library. 

Now go forth. 

Tags: Covid , Coronavirus , Zoom , Communication ,