Free, Really Free


By Phil Harwood

Did you ever notice that when something is promoted as being free, sometimes it’s not really free? Instead, there’s a catch, and free is only free in exchange for something else. If you’re turned off by bait-and-switch marketing tactics, I have some good news for you – news about something that is free. Really free.

I grew up in a community that was settled by Dutch immigrants. Not to be overly stereotypical, but the “Hollanders” in my hometown have quite a reputation for being, well, let’s use the word “frugal.” Even today, goods and services are priced well below the rest of the country. If something isn’t super affordable, there just won’t be too many buyers. And, of course, when something is free, there’s a line out the door. The saying, “if it’s free, it’s for me” was most likely coined here. So, I understand what free means. And, when there is a catch, it’s not free. Sorry. 

There is another saying that says, “you can’t outgive the giver” and Bible scriptures stating that “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9:7) and “a generous person will be enriched” (Prov 11:25). At Christmas, I often find more satisfaction in watching others open the gifts I bought them than I do in opening my own gifts. Does that happen to you too?

This concept of giving away something for free has been intriguing to me recently. You see, the team at GrowTheBench has been considering offering something for free for the last few months. Not something that is sort of free, but something that is really free. After much discussion we decided to go for it. Neal Glatt rolled up his sleeves and recorded a killer course focused on best practices for sales. This course is now being offered on our website. It’s free. Really free. 

With all of this being said, we are giving away something very valuable absolutely free with no strings attached. We hope that you will take advantage of this free course. Watch it over and over again. Have your staff watch it, even if they aren’t responsible for sales. Actually, I truly believe that everyone is responsible for sales. So, have your entire team take the course and discuss it as a group. I promise that you will be blessed richly by doing so. 

No go forth.

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