A Life of Service


By Phil Harwood

If you’ve ever volunteered for a day of service, you know how good it feels to make a difference without an expectation of something in return. You have something to offer and you are helping someone else in need. You’re giving up a small portion of your abundance. You’re paying it forward. It’s all good. But is there more? 

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There are almost 8 billion people on planet Earth and no two of us are the same. Don’t you find that interesting? I do. In fact, we are not only not the same in our appearance, we are unique in our personalities and talents. Psalm 139:14 reads, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Our differences are not a cosmic accident, they are by design and for a purpose. 

When we discover our unique purpose and apply ourselves to it, everything changes. A day of service becomes a life of service, as we use our God-given talents for the benefit of others. This does not mean there won’t be challenges. In fact, we know there will be challenges that we will face and our perseverance, determination, and faith will be put to the test. This is all part of the journey.  

The need for a life of service has never been greater. There is no shortage of needs in our world. Just look at families, neighborhoods, communities, churches, and nations. The needs (and opportunities) are endless. What will your response be? What will the purpose of your life be? How will you make a difference? 

If a day of service is rewarding, how much more rewarding will a life of service be? 

Now go forth. 

Tags: Service , Community service , Kindess ,